As I worked on this series to present a balanced and respectful definition, I began to hear that darker inner voice whispering, “You can’t do this. You will be laughed at. Or better yet, you will be ignored.”
Maturity is about recognizing the devil instantly and going to the only place there is to defeat him – prayer and the Word of God.
Three weeks ago, in the quiet of the wee hours, I rose and decided to look ahead toward the second Streamside book, beginning with the Book of Acts, just because I love doing the research that goes with writing. This was just a diversion, to get away from the weight of the great divide for an hour.
Please put this down for a moment and read Acts Chapter 2 right now, so that I can keep this blog post short.
There were 120 initial believers together that day of Pentecost, all gathered in one place, perhaps the temple court, when the Holy Spirit rushed upon them with mighty wind and tongues of fire. Jerusalem was filled with devout Jews from every known nation at that time, all who spoke different languages. And each heard the glory of the Spirit described in his own language, spoken by uneducated men who could not have known these languages except through the spirit of God!
As I read this for the hundredth time, I was struck with chills: all gathered in one place, all speaking different languages, with thousands drawn into a giant party, ultimately finding God through the words of Peter, and gathering together daily for teaching, fellowship, meals, and prayer…
…this is Streamside!
The bridge across unity’s great divide starts from both sides of the chasm and meets in the middle. It is our diversity, our different languages of faith in the same God and the same Holy Spirit, offered with intense love for each other, which will draw the remainder of God’s family home!
Five hundred years ago the Reformation split and separated. It is time for the Restoration – at Streamside. Catholics and Protestants can do this – together – if our leaders will join us in unity even as they speak different languages of faith.