Will you join me in doing some homework for my guest appearance with Stephanie?
Here’s where the past two series have taken us at Streamside:
- The Great Omission series concluded that perfect unity has been blocked by our failure to practice what we preach from the Great Commission in Matthew 28 – before teaching others to do what Jesus commands, we need to obey his commands ourselves first.
- That caused us to study what Jesus really did command. We learned that the entire Bible is the command of God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit who are joined in perfect unity. And we learned that the best way to gather this wisdom is by watching for the imperative verbs that tell us clearly what we are expected to do.
The opportunity to study forgiveness follows in amazing symmetry, with timing only God could lay out. Just yesterday, as I began my preparation for the radio program, I was reminded of the perfect summary of the commands of Jesus:
“Why do you call me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ and do not do what I say?...But the one who has heard and has not acted accordingly, is like a man who built a house on the ground without any foundation; and the torrent burst against it and immediately it collapsed , and the ruin of that house was great.” (Luke 6:46, 49 - NASB)
Let me ask you: in the perspective of current world, national, and local events, is not the torrent bursting ever greater against the church of Jesus Christ? We can withstand any storm if our foundation is built on the Rock. Yet do we really do exactly what Jesus commands?
In reality, our foundation is built on the Rock, but we have allowed it to erode to a dangerous degree. And it can be proposed that this foundation is based on the unconditional love of God’s children, plus love’s perfect twin – forgiveness. Could our lack of unity and forgiveness bring about great ruin?
So what did Jesus command about forgiveness?
Hurry back for Part 2!