Just hours before he was treacherously and brutally murdered, Jesus of Nazareth prayed that all who believe in him would be brought to perfect unity, so that the world will know him (see John 17:20-23). And for a short while, that is what happened (see Acts Chapters 1 and 2).
The church of Jesus exploded from 120 to 3,000 people in a very short period of time, driven by mutual love, prayer, fellowship, teaching, and sharing meals together. This was the unity that Jesus had prayed for and it was explosive in attracting the world.
But something went terribly wrong along the way. We have spent centuries killing each other and those we are supposed to attract. We have failed to practice the most basic lessons Jesus taught.
Come here three times a week, read each post, then close your eyes, identify the first example that comes to mind from your experience, and send me a comment, good or bad.
You will soon see you are not alone.
All of this will prepare you for my book about Streamside, and together we have an unprecedented chance to change the world.
What would you say is the common DNA of a united Christian family? Share it here.