Several thousand Christians were brought to the steps of the State Capitol by the gut-wrenching status of this year’s presidential election. What brought all of us there?
Long ago, Jesus prayed for all of us who believe in him as Lord and Savior:
“…that they may be brought to complete unity. Then the world will know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me” (John 17:23b, NIV).
The exact translation of the Greek word for “complete” as shown in the NASB is “perfect.”
Streamside Unity and this blog are dedicated to the proposition that quite possibly Jesus intended our perfect unity to happen before he returns, impossible as it seems today.
We were brought to the State Capitol this week by the Holy Spirit, in response to a wonderful man of God, to pray for our country. I was moved to tears looking at thousands of my brothers and sisters praying together in a biting, cold wind, full of warmth and joy.
Was this a foretaste of the answer to Jesus’s prayer?
But we didn’t come together like that as American Christians until we realized of late how much trouble we are in. In this we are not much different than King David, succumbing to the Cycle of temptation, disobedience, disunity, warnings from God and now very likely God’s judgment.
Remember that the Cycle doesn’t end with judgment.
Considering the two books of Samuel as a single work, my tally of the verses addressing the ten stages of the Cycle suggests that, compared to all that has gone before in the Old Testament, there are more cases of disunity and judgment than any other book so far. But what cements the synergy between David as the central character in the books of Samuel and the prayer rallies across America?
The Cycle is completed with repentance and restoration! There is also more repentance and restoration than in any other book so far.
You see, the Cycle is true for each of us personally as we find salvation in Jesus Christ only through repentance and restoration through God’s never-ending love. But I believe the same cycle applies to us as Americans.
We were brought to a foretaste of Jesus’s perfect unity at the rally by repentance for the 20 million Christians who failed to vote in the 2012 election, and we have been crushed by judgment ever since.
But God’s love for us is never-ending! Mr. Graham suggested, and I joyously affirm, that we must turn now and VOTE! Vote for candidates both local and national who exhibit Christian beliefs and principles.
Just hours after the rally on Super Tuesday, one younger presidential Christian candidate made a moving concession speech, quoting extensively from the Bible to say goodbye, but only for now. He will be back. A second candidate, known as a serious Christian, won an upset victory and was visibly humbled instead of arrogant.
Christians are repenting together in perfect unity. And in those two speeches on television later that evening, I thought I saw the hand of God’s never-ending love that leads to restoration – in this case of the real America, maybe now, maybe later.