In Exodus 3:14, when Moses encounters God at the burning bush and wonders how his people will ever believe that God has sent Moses to them, God says:
This is what you are to say to the Israelites: “I AM has sent me to you.”
If I write this sentence in school, I get my knuckles rapped with a ruler! (OK, so physical punishment has been eliminated since my day in grammar school!)
The name God gives himself is I AM, used as a noun, not a noun and a verb. In Greek and the romance languages, this makes more sense. In Latin, I would say only one word – amo – to say two words in English, “I love.” Without a long lesson here, it is enough to know that God is almost shouting his name with emphasis in a way that supersedes everything, including grammar – I AM!!!
Jesus uses this same name for himself seven times! He is God. Isn’t this the core of our common DNA?
I AM the bread of life!! (John 6:35)
I AM the light of the world!! (John 8:12 and John 9:5)
I AM the gate for the sheep!! (John 10:7,9)
I AM the resurrection and the life!! (John 11:25)
I AM the way and the truth and the life!! (John 14:6)
I AM the true vine!! (John 15:1,5)
Bread, light, gate, resurrection, life, way, truth, vine.
Memorize these today and send us a “Like” confirming your DNA.
And then focus on the last one.
Can a vine represent anything other than unity?
Jesus’ name is unity. Is ours?