So, for the past week I have focused entirely on the odd phrases that emerged from my brief look at Micah 6:8 from a Hebrew Interlinear Bible:
· Love justly
· Covenant loyalty
· Walk humbly with God
I was immediately drawn to an article titled “Where is the Outrage?” about the horrendous abuses of religious prisoners in North Korea, illustrated recently in a series of sketches by a man who escaped after six years. He was confined in a tiny cage and baited rats with crumbs, which he ate raw in order to survive. I was forever changed when I saw this and was found sobbing in my office at work.
And I began to pray about what “loving justly” and “covenanting loyalty” with these pitiful souls could possibly mean for Streamside.
Since then, I have been inundated with other images of religious persecution. Just today, updated reports on persecution in Saudi Arabia and Iran, as well as Ethiopia. And now it has come to the United States courtesy of our government. More on these in subsequent posts.
But for now the question is how Streamside might be able to partner with wonderful, faithful reporters such as Todd Starnes at Fox News; Jay Sekulow at American Center for Law and Justice; and Nina Shea at Hudson Institute’s Center for Religious Freedom.
Consider the field of play here. Stories of persecution are everywhere. But what is our response to be? What can it be in the face of brutality and evil?
Is it “Where is the outrage?” I saw a blog today asking when Christians became so mean as shown in commentary of social media. Yes, we can be judgmental and mean, especially with each other.
Or is it to love justly, covenant loyalty with the oppressed, and walk humbly?
Streamside has much to offer in teaming with those who uncover the truth of persecution. It is not only what we discover. It is also how we are to respond in full view of a skeptical world.
Hurry back in just a couple days for Part 4.
Hint: Ace of Hearts