Please go back to my October 24, 2014 blog titled “If My People” and read the background: that I believe God may be warning his children to turn from the wickedness of our disunity before it is too late.
Over the past three blogs I have posted potential objections to this hypothesis to keep the door open to my lack of knowledge. But the opposite has happened. Everyone who has responded has agreed they feel the calling to turn around, too, but have not known how to express it.
Here is our chance and our God-given opportunity for unity.
I have begun a very serious path of research and I am inviting you to accept the challenge of following along and praying for the church of God every day while this process is underway.
This program will take a long time, but in daily bite-size pieces, it could change the world for the better, a remnant finally signaling God that we get it, that we understand at last the peace we have forfeited by disobeying his commands to love each other unconditionally.
Here is the plan:
Taking each book of the Bible in order, I have begun classifying verse by verse according to a template of themes based on my original question:
Is there in the New Testament a parallel pattern to the Old Testament history of blessing, commandment, failure, punishment, and restoration; and is the church on the brink of punishment driven by our disunity?
As I did for Streamside – Finding Peace through Perfect Unity, I have created a template using the following categories:
- Creation/World
- Commands
- Temptation
- Obedience/Disobedience
- Unity/Disunity
- Prophecies/Signs/Miracles
- Judgment/Punishment
- God’s Undying Love
- Repentance/New Direction
- Restoration/Redemption
For example, in Genesis 1:1, the word for God as he created the heavens and the earth is plural!!
Unity of Father, Son and Spirit existed before the beginning of time! No wonder it is so important to God!
I will be sharing insight like these as we proceed, but watch especially for when we complete each book and draw a summary of what we have learned.
Will you join me on this journey? Will you start now studying Genesis and looking for the themes listed above? Will you share what God shares with you as brother and sister in God’s precious family?