In these times and in this culture, what I did in the name of Jesus can easily be considered unwise and very unsafe.
But what if the scene had played out differently?
What if the woman had heard about a place called “Streamside” while sitting in church on Sunday morning? What if she had learned that she could take her lunch hour at a new restaurant right downtown. What if she could sit at big round tables with other folks in a completely safe and secure setting? And what if, say once a month, she decided to serve instead of receive?
And what if she had met me there?
Well, then when we met later on the train, we would already know each other. And we might spot others in the same car who had also become regulars at Streamside!
Implementing the vision of Streamside in modern culture must be done carefully.
Streamside starts with loving each other and then teaming up in unity to love those in need.
Streamside starts with safety and security but ends in service.
The vision of Streamside is:
To see a rushing mountain stream of Christian unity, fed by individual streams of grass-roots everyday believers, loving each other first, in full public view, bubbling downstream to refresh the world with truth, grace, and peace.
In Part 3, I am going to challenge my readers to spread the word.
Streamside is coming soon and it starts with you!